This blog isnt a hate blog, its a blog about whats all going on and the online goss of stardoll! It`s updated daily and you can`t miss anything when you come here!
Thank`s Dollsssss.
-Annoynomus Owner.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


--First coverboy in a long time!! Congrats Pryokar
--Fc hate blog was made today.
It really annoys me because fashion club all have their own thing and then all of a sudden some staker comes on and quotes what they say, make some sort of accusastions that arent even true. So know on fashionclub everyones angry and doesnt know whatever they type if it will end up on this "hate site".
--Some people are posting in clubs that stardoll is going to get deleted, i highly doubt that as stardoll is going great with millions of members.. but it was an April Fools day joke that they wanna replay again in FashionClub.. so dont worry people, i highly doubt that stardolls getting deleted anytime soon.. It`s all whats going around the club in FC now
"Who wrote it" "Why?"
Well sources are;
someone joined a flockdraw yesterday from FC, and ''The Person'' joined too. Then, ''The Person'' started calling ____ agressive & a hacker, and gave ___ the link to the truth blog, which said proof that I was a hacker. Then, maverick (NOT THE BLOG WRITER) said ''If you don't tell FC then I will'' (SHE WAS JOKING) and "''The Person'' said ''NO!'' So that's where it all started
Oh, FC is in a bit of trouble, hope it all comes through!

1 comment:

  1. Tut tut tut! Posting what I typed xD Naughty gal xD
